Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Half Way

Yesterday I came to the halfway point in my treatment. My oncologist tells me I have 6 more treatments. That will bring me to the last week of June. My blood counts held steady and I will have a complete blood work up next week. I have gained weight over the last 5 weeks. So he’s very excited about that. All in all a good day. Generally most chemo days are spent reading or listening to some of my favorite podcasts (see below). It helps eat up the 6 hours that my treatments take. Once again I had an opportunity to share the story today with a student nurse who is graduating next month. She wanted to know how I could be so upbeat while I’m there for chemo. So I told her. I’m not sure that nursing school prepared her for what she heard.

Thank you all for your constant prayers and support. Words cannot express our gratitude. If you have not heard yet, my buddy Cliff Phillips ran the ING Atlanta Half-Marathon. He did absolutely great and I am so proud of him and the work that he is doing with the Lance Armstrong Foundation. He’s starting to train for the NYC Marathon in November. If you’d like to know how you can help us in this cause check out Cliff’s site: Those of you that have already helped, THANK YOU!!!! If you can pass the info on to someone else. If you can’t help at this time we completely understand.

Everything around here is absolutely crazy. Our youngest son Austin, is getting ready to leave on a mission trip to the Gulf Coast with his church youth choir. He will be rehabbing house by day and performing in the evenings. Our oldest son Josh is frantically finishing up his last semester of college. He’s taking his comps for his major and finishing out honors college. If that isn’t enough he’s planning a wedding. He will be married on October 20. Lori & I will be celebrating our 25th anniversary this June. We definitely have a lot to be thankful for.

I hope this update finds you all well. If you have any prayer requests please let us know as we will be sure to stand with you in prayer. Until next time.

Favorite Podcasts

Light Without Limits – Dr. James Walker (my pastor) -

Grace Brethren Church Calvert County, MD – Robert Wagner (my uncle)

Walk in the Word – James MacDonald –

Rolling Hills Community Church – Dale Ebel (my former pastor in Oregon)–

A New Beginning – Greg Laurie-

First Baptist Church Naples – Dr. Hayes Wicker (my church in FL) -

Active Word – Bob Coy –

Strength for the Journey – Dr. Joe Stowell -

-- Scott

We can only LIVESTRONG™ if we’re GODSTRONG™.

If you can help with our fundraising for the NYC Marathon on behalf on the Lance Armstrong Foundation please click below.

Cliff Phillips’ site:

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