Monday, October 29, 2007

First Place

This weekend TC Roberson Marching Band placed first in 4A Competition at the Foard Marching Band Classic. This is the first time, that we are aware of, that this has been accomplished. Also the drumline placed first. Again another first. This was Austin’s last high school competition. What a way to finish.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Wedding

Josh & Dusty were married October 20th. It was a beautiful day in Wilson, NC. The service was great as was the reception that followed. We were excited to have so many family members and friends share the occasion with us. Lori & I are trying to recover. As soon as more pictures arrive we will be posting more.

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Weekend

Well I made it through the weekend. We had a band competition on Saturday. The band did good for their first outing. You might be wondering why I refer to it as making it through. It was a year ago at this competition that I started to realize that something was probably wrong with me. It felt really good to be there watching Austin and not worrying about what could be wrong with me. So much has happened over the last year. I am just so thankful for where I am in the journey.